
Sunday worship services begin at 11am in the sanctuary.  The service is live-streamed on our YouTube channel and is broadcast live on WKRK Radio 1320am.

WKRK can be accessed at this link:  WKRK 1320AM Radio

Our YouTube channel is available at:  MurphyFirstUnitedMethodistChurch.

Adult Sunday School meets at 10am in Fellowship Hall.

The Nursery (Room 202 and 203) are available for children aged 0-2yrs & 3-5 from 10:30 am-Noon.

Young Adult Sunday School 9:45am Room 301

Elementary Sunday School 9:45am Room 304

Children’s Church (Room 304) Children aged Kindergarten through 2nd grade are invited to attend Children’s Church after they are dismissed from the worship service. On the 1st Sunday of the month children should go to their classroom. All other children should remain with their parents in worship.

The bulletin for Sunday in a PDF format: December 8, 2024 Bulletin and Music

Special services throughout the church year include Ash Wednesday, Maundy (Holy) Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Christmas Eve.