Our Theology of Mission
We are in mission to witness to what God has done and is doing, and to learn from what God is doing in every land where disciples gather in the name of Jesus Christ.
Our Four Mission Goals
- Make disciples of Jesus Christ;
- Strengthen, develop, and renew Christian congregations and communities;
- Alleviate human suffering;
- Seek justice, freedom, and peace.
Local Programs We Support
- Cherokee County Ministerial Association Relief Fund
- United Way of Clay and Cherokee Counties
- Hurlbut-Johnson Friendship House
- R.E.A.C.H of Cherokee County
- The Sharing Center – A ecumenical food pantry located at First Baptist Church
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters
- HAVEN Children’s Advocacy Center
- Valley River Humane Society
- The Soul Table – A twice-monthly free lunch program for the community offered in our church on the first and third Thursdays each month.
Regional and International Programs We Support:
- Hinton Rural Life Center- Safe and Healthy Homes Program
- ZOE Ministry
- Project Agape, Armenia – a collaborative effort of the North Carolina and the Western North Carolina Conferences of The United Methodist Church in a joint effort with the Armenian Apostolic Church.
- UMCOR – The United Methodist Committee on Relief
For inquiries about our mission and outreach programs, please email or call us.