
We are FULLY OPEN for our in-person worship.  Masks and hand sanitizer are available in the narthex if desired.  All pews are open and the collection plates are passed during worship, although an offering basket is also located in the narthex as you enter the church.  As always, the worship service is live-streamed via YouTube each week and broadcast on air on WKRK.  The video of the service is posted on the website and on Facebook each week as well.

The bulletin for Sunday, October 13th  are available in PDF format here. October 13, 2024 Bulletin and Music

Click on this link for live video streaming of the service:  our YouTube channel.

John 9.1

John 9.5

John 9.7

John 9.9

John 9.10

John 9.20

John 9.37